Another Valentine's Day has come and gone. These are some things that come to mind when I think of things I love:

I love making valentines with my kids. I love watching them open their valentines and reading each one - every one of these valentines are special to them. I was able to go to Adam's class and be there while the kids opened up valentines and got overloaded on sugar by way of cookies, brownies, and rice krispies treats.

Although I can't really say that I love pizza, I like that Papa Murphy's makes a heart-shaped pizza that we can enjoy to celebrate the "love" holiday. What I do love is that Sydnee is able to have the pizza made and can deliver it straight to our house!
We ate the pizza on Saturday night, since Clay planned to make dinner on Sunday. That same evening - Saturday - some old friends of ours from out of town came to visit. They live in Winnemucca so we don't see them as often as we should. I have known Candice since Kindergarten. It was a great visit, and we all agreed that we should see each other more often. Did I get a picture for my blog? Of course not. So I'll just have to find something on the 'net and insert it here.

Ha - the inserted picture above is from Kevin's facebook page. Bet he never thought it would land up on a blog!

Of course, I love these kids! I also love the way they get excited over Valentine gifts from Grandma!

I love this little guy, too!(the little one holding the dog) I really wish I could show his picture, he is such a cutie! But privacy laws prevent me from doing that, and I totally understand. This is a little heart doggie that my mom "Gamma" gave him as a Valentine gift. No chocolate for this guy, since he is allergic to nuts and - as we're finding out - lots of chocolate is manufactured in a plant that also processes peanut products. He's sharing his apple with the dog!

Clay and I have been exchanging Valentines since 1983. Our very first Valentine's Day we celebrated I was a poor college student, and so I baked him sugar cookies, boxed them up and gave them to him. He gave me a diamond necklace. In case you're wondering, yes, I did feel a little cheap giving him just cookies, but I had no idea of the gift he would give me back then.

I love these flowers Clay gave me. Even though we talk about how flowers are a waste of money because they just die and you throw them away, I must admit I love getting them as a gift. I love these two colors together - Clay picked the colors out, and I love them.
Whether you celebrated with traditions, or something new, we wish you a very happy Valentine's Day!