Some life lessons I have learned in the past two weeks:
1. I can sew, although I still consider myself an amateur.
This was our kitchen table the day before the dance.
2. I can not do hair.
3. I can procrastinate - very well I might add. I seem to wait until the last minute, then crank it out (whatever I'm working on at the moment), but not without lots of venting and - sometimes - crying (see #1 above).
4. I can not bake or cook.
5. I can exercise. I've made it to my next "virtual walking" goal up the coast of Oregon.
6. I can not believe that I'll ever like to exercise. Anyone have any ideas on this one???
7. I can be open to new hair styles (I think)
Erin's newest look. Three new colors added - pink, red and blue.
8. I can not imagine life without my kids.
"Happy Mother's Day, Mom."
"Some of the petals kinda fell off."
(I think it looks pretty good, since it made the trip home in his backpack.)