Monday, October 27, 2008

One thing about our family, like most families, you never know what to expect from day to day. Adam lost one of his top front teeth last week, and the other front tooth was really loose. So loose, in fact, that Clay and I kept bugging him to either pull it or have one of us do it for him. He refused, but kept asking us if we thought it was ready. At one point I even bribed him with taking him to Wal-mart with his money from the Tooth Fairy. Finally he had taken enough of us, he made a face at me and said, "That's it!" and promptly went into the bathroom and pulled out his tooth all by himself. He proudly came out of the bathroom, tooth in hand with a trail of toilet paper and announced, "I did it for Wal-mart!"

The excitement of this morning didn't end there. Clay had let the dogs out earlier in the morning, then as he let them back in asks me if I've noticed anything different about Nestle (our oldest dog). No, should I ? Once I saw it I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed it before since it was practically a neon green. Yep, it was our "Breaking Wind" slime/flubber stuff. This slime stuff is supposed to go into a container and when you push on it it sounds like a bodily function, thus the name "Breaking Wind." Apparently it never made it into its container, but landed on the back side of Nestle. Yuck!

Tonight the family went to Ferrari Farms to go through the corn maze. We let Erin lead the way. We thought we'd go slowly, to get our money's worth. Remind us not to let Erin be the leader if we want to take our time! She found the exit in about five minutes. Clay led us through the maze again and tried to let her find the exit again, this time hoping for it to take a little longer. Erin must have an amazing sense of direction because she quickly found it the second time. We all got a good laugh when Clay hid behind the corn stalks and really scared the girls!

No need to buy pumpkins this year - we finally grew our own

Happy Fall!

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