Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Monday was the first day of school for the girls. So I cried just a little bit. Monday was probably the last time I will take a picture of Syd in front of our house - a yearly tradition. It was the last first day of school that she would drive Erin to school. They are both taking the 00 period of Seminary, so it was still a little dark when they left. But I did get up early and make them breakfast. Worthy of mentioning since I don't do that every day. I admit, I am not a Martha Stewart, nor does she live at our house. It was also Erin's first day of high school. She made it through just fine and yesterday announced that she can now find her locker without getting lost in that maze they call high school.

We got our first tomato yesterday! I cannot believe August is almost over and we have only had one tomato. These plants are huge, with lots of little green tomatoes. Today I'm going to search hard for more red ones. I also picked more green beans to freeze, a squash, and a cucumber that had been overlooked.

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