Friday, December 26, 2008

Whew! Another Christmas is behind us. We actually had a wonderful Christmas, made complete by having a White Christmas as well! We had my cousin and her husband, my brother and his family, and my mom over for Christmas Eve dinner. All evening long the kids were tracking Santa on the internet, so it was fairly easy to get Adam to bed early. It is a tradition of ours to look for Santa's sleigh in the sky on Christmas Eve after dinner, but since it was so cloudy we weren't able to see him, although Adam thought he saw a light below the clouds. We put out magic reindeer food to make it easier for the reindeer to spot our house.
Traditional Christmas Eve dinner - Mexican food
Necessities for a college-bound senior!
Can't forget the carrots for the reindeer - this year Santa got eggnog
After reading " 'Twas the Night Before Christmas" the kids all piled into one bed
Adam was the earliest riser on Christmas morning - 3:30 am!!! He was so excited about Christmas, which of course makes it all the more fun for us parents.

Clay tries out the WII Fit
We spent Christmas Day as we know how best to spend it - enjoying family and being grateful for all we have. We remember the reason for the season, and know how blessed we are to be able to have days like this.

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